Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Ulsterman has the White House Insider again Edited Fast & Furious

This time talking about the backroom chaos at the Whit House between Valerie Jarret and Bill Daley.

Another look back at the Bill Daley – Valerie Jarrett battles following this week’s breaking news of Daley’s imminent departure/demotion from the Obama White House. No other media source was detailing conflict between Daley and other members of the Obama administration at the time this interview was initially published in April of 2011. Given this week’s revelations – these interviews now hold even more considerable meaning and insight into just what is going on within the Obama White House:


Edit to add just a few entries down there is a very interesting discussion about Fast and Furious. The Gunwalking scandal currently taking place.

"Ulsterman: It seems the Solyndra scandal is heating up for the White House as –name withheld- predicted. You still feel Fast and Furious is the scandal to focus on as the means of getting to Obama?

Insider: To hell with Solyndra. I told you before – if it helps to weaken the administration, fine. So be it. The more the merrier – but NO, Solyndra is not what we are focusing on. Fast and Furious remains the most pressing concern at this moment for those inside the administration trying to contain the scandal. I assure you of that. They were all in on that program you know. The administration…the party leadership. It was attached to the arrogance they had after passage of Obamacare – they thought there was nothing they couldn’t accomplish. Nothing they couldn’t push through."

A little further down the page is this nugget of information from the Insider.

"Insider: Bullsh-t there isn’t an answer – it’s just that the answer is the most frightening one, so not enough people are willing to look at it. If the Obama administration wasn’t really concerned about the actual guns – they lost over a thousand or so, right? Can’t find them. No idea where they went. So those guns weren’t the concern. It was the crime they wanted to trace back to those guns that were sold in the United States. It was the crimes they wanted to happen – they fu—ing encouraged to happen – that was the purpose of all of this. Turn around and use those crimes to push through much tougher federal gun controls, and push through some kind of amnesty immigration policy. WE killed 200 Mexicans – that message…guilt voters into amnesty, right? And I’m not opposed to some immigration policy – it’s needed, and long overdue. But for God’s sake – I’m not for killing people to get there. This White House was willing to do that. This White House, the Obama administration – they were willing to kill Mexicans. But they made a mistake…the killing of the border agents – they didn’t prepare to have those killings linked to the weapons. Or if they did, they didn’t realize it would backfire against them like it did."

Once again RTWT

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