Friday, February 17, 2012

Hey Google, Microsoft and all you other Web Developers

Quit tracking me.

Quit trying to target adds to me based on my browsing.

Quit making your privacy policies so obtuse and convoluted that I need 2 lawyers to check over them and another lawyer to check them.

Quit keeping my search term entries and try to generate some more money by sending me targeted adds.

Quit trying to slip a tracking cookie into my system, even though you say it contain none of my personal identity stuff stop it.

In short what I do is "MY" business. NOT yours.

I shouldn't need to use multiple add ons in Firefox to block your cookies and tracking objects. I shouldn't have to clear my cache every 30 minutes to be sure you cannot track me. Just STOP IT!

You have no reason to be trying to track what I do or where I go on the internet. If I want to buy something I'll search for then. Your targeted adds do nothing except annoy the heck out of me.

I am a writer, therefore I will at times look for things while making no sense to other people are pertinent to what I am doing. So quit sending me adds for sex bondage gear when I try to find a picture of a "Slave Collar" which I had to go through 7 pages to find a picture of a slave collar used on slaves before the civil war. I don't want nor need adds for PVC Vacuum Bondage. I shouldn't have to sign out of my account to search for something related to a story I'm trying to write because you are trying to be "Helpful" and make a buck. Your Opt-out policy is very obtuse and no matter how many times I try to opt out your system tries to set ANOTHER cookie on my computer. NO! NO! NO!

You don't need to shove a cookie down my computers throat for me to be able to "Opt-out" You need to change your policy to an "Opt-in" you can tell me about a service you have and if I want it I can click a link. You are relying on the fact that most people don't really read the TOS and Disclaimers on your service. I've tried to read them. And I STILL don't know what exactly they mean. And you make it Dang near impossible to "Opt-out" unless you can put a cookie on my computer? Uh, NO!

Change your policies, everything should be "Opt-In", if someone wants your service they click a link, if they don't want your service they don't click a link. SIMPLE RIGHT?

Evidently not.

Google might have tricked Apple. Read HERE Something like this should NEVER happen. You want to make it easier for your users? How about you make it that "WE" the users don't have to be bothered with this garbage unless "WE" want it. That is how thing like the Sony Rootkit endangered thousands if not millions of users. They put in something without "Telling" or "Asking" if they could do it.

Also how about making it so when we have a problem I don't have to spend hour upon hours trying to get in contact with a REAL person?

Someone hacked my Yahoo Account about 3 years ago. It took me a WEEK to get to speak to a real LIVE person to answer the security question to get my account back. Why did it take that long? Yahoo asked for the answer to a security question but wouldn't let me know what the question was. I'm sorry, I have over a dozen different accounts all with different information and security questions. It took getting a tech support person on the phone to ask me the security questions before I could get my account back. Why did it take me actually contacting the California Secretary of State to get a real phone number answered by a real human being?

And you people wonder why users don't trust you?

Try getting ahold of your own tech support without using your internal directory.

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