Thursday, March 22, 2012

AmericanMercenary: Culture, Civilization, and getting ready for the fall

AmericanMercenary: Culture, Civilization, and getting ready for the fall

"I mean come on, if we look at Rome, Russia, even Britain, and we can see that we are going down the same time worn path.

1. Expensive foreign wars that have nothing to do with national security? Check.
2. Currency devaluing at a predictable rate? Check
3. Ever tighter restrictions on freedom in a desperate grasp to stop the slide that restricting freedom causes? Check
4. The breakup of the Empire causes the collapse of the military back to "home base?"  Check and double check.  Pax Romana ended, Pax Britainia ended, and Pax Americana is over."

GO RTWT. I agree with him 100%

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