Thursday, March 1, 2012

For those wondering about the Discussion - updated

I was having on my brothers FB page I screen shot it and edited to protect the ID's of the users. Posted below.

The very last response is my brothers, where he "Closes" the thread. According to him my argument "does not hold water." You can tell my responses as the ones that get rather long and detailed. I put forth the information and rather than telling them to take my word for it, I tell them to look it up for themselves. My brother realizes that if his "Friends" do look it up for themselves, they will likely find out just how they have been hornswoggled, hmm is it hornswoggled or hornswaggled? Back to the issue. You can see how a dyed in the wool liberal refutes a logical argument. They end the discussion. Because they "KNOW" that the truth, if it is believed, will put their whole argument to the lie. And the Inconvenient Truth here, isn't a slanted propaganda movie. It really is the Truth.

Update: I couldn't let it go at that so I posted a rebuttal:
I find it amazing that you would close discussion when I tell people to disbelieve the government and the media and to look up the facts for themselves. Rather narrow minded isn't it? But then you, in my almost 44 years of knowing you, have never let the truth come between you and your fervently held beliefs. You just attempt to steam roller over any real objective viewing of the evidence as inconsequential and meaningless.
You always hold upon yourself the truest of notions, as long as us ignorant savages just quit annoying you and obstructing you and your views from coming to fruition. I'm sorry, but I ,unlike you put my butt on the line first in the Army then as a housing authority Security Officer and Auxiliary Police Officer, while you smoked dope and looked down you nose and spit upon people who took an Oath, and hold that Oath in their hearts not as something which can be ignored as you see fit. I took an Oath in August 1985 "I, Mark L. Anderson, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." Your wife took that very same Oath. Ask her what it means to people who have taken it. Ask her what it means to her. Or you can delete this comment like I know you probably will. Because it comes just a little too close to the truth of just how much of a hypocrite you actually are. I'm not coming here to your page to start a fight, I am however coming here to try to make you see that you can no longer have your nose in the air of the reality of what is going on in our country. And you will have to either make a decision about what is and isn't right, or just become one of those ignorant savages you have looked down your nose upon. The time is coming where you will have to make your stand. This far and no farther. Or just let yourself be rolled over like the protesters in Tiananmen Square. Your choice.

Well When I checked it this morning. He had deleted the entire thread. The first link is to video of Steven Chu, the current Secretary of Energy for the Obama Administration admitting that the administration isn't trying to reduce gas prices. The second link is to a graph and time line of gas prices. You can change the timeline settings back several years to see how much gas cost during Bush's term versus during Obama's term. I think my brothers action prove the points I made in my rebuttal.
Unfortunately he and many of his friends think the same way.

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