Sunday, March 18, 2012

How is this legal?

First click on THIS link, read the whole thing then come back here.
Do you understand what that says? It say that at any time of "Emergency" be it a natural disaster, war, terrorist attack or anything the government declares to be an "Emergency" The federal government takes control of, oh, EVERYTHING. Hospitals, the electrical grid, gas stations, railroads, airlines, refineries, pipelines, radio stations, television stations, internet providers, telephone exchanges, cell towers in short any bit of infrastructure in the United States it deems important of control by the government.

Who defines this so-called "Emergency"? Why the President does. I'm not going to go all black helicopter here, but I had an idea. Google "Executive Order" and "Suspend Elections" and enjoy some of the ravings against G.W. Bush. Yes the liberal democrats were SCREAMING that G.W. Bush was going to suspend the elections in 2008 to maintain his power. And yet NOWHERE in those rantings do you read one hint of his administrations efforts to do so. However you DO find THIS little blub: "Progressives who now control the Democratic Party, had an "oops" moment on Wednesday, September 28, 2011, with a “Freudian” slip during a speech given by Gov. Beverly Perdue (D) from North Carolina at the Cary Rotary Club, stating that maybe we should suspend democracy for two years by cancelling the 2012 elections until the economy recovers. After the slip an air of silence loomed over the Rotarians in attendance." Hmmmm, Bush and the republicans never to my knowledge, ever mentioned "Suspending Elections". However Democrats are constantly mentioning it. Why is that? Are the Democrats pushing their owns beliefs on to Republicans? They believe that since "They" think about doing it, the Republicans do as well? I don't know which worries me more. That the Democrats will actually say this stuff out loud, or that the Republicans don't call them to task for it.

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