Thursday, March 29, 2012

If this is true Criminal charges need to be filed

Uncle links to a story about a woman who was going to give birth at home with a mid wife. However the little sprog decided to come early, so the mid wife said go to the hospital. She delivered in the ambulance.

I'll let you click on over and read the rest.

If what is written in that account is true, there needs to be charges filed against the caseworker for filing a knowingly false report. Also the doctors and nurses at the hospital and the hospital itself needs to be investigated for interference with parental rights, and sued accordingly. If someone tried that crap with me, I would sell almost anything and everything I own to do my best to have CRIMINAL charges filed against all involved for their criminal incompetence and willful disregard for the rights of the parents to determine how and for what their child receives medical care. The medical staff appear to be willing accomplices of an over zealous false prosecution of parents by an agent of the state. There must be a reckoning.

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