Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Jennifer posts some common sense

which unfortunately in this world isn't so common any more.

Teach your children is about how it's commonsense if you own firearms, or anything really, that they are not toys. I personally don't "Childrproof" my home, I home proof my kids. My kids know about firearms, they know not to mess with chemicals, they know that things can hurt them or others. And they know to leave them alone. This weekend if the weather cooperates, my kids and I are taking out the newest addition to the gunsafe for some shooting. The kids are already looking forward to it. They know that they don't touch firearms without permission. Because they know that if they want to look at one of the firearms in the house. they only need to ask, and I will show them what they want to see. They know the 4 rules, although at times they slip with the BB gun, they NEVER do with the "REAL" firearms. I need to get them out of that, I know. But all in all, the kids know.

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