Sunday, March 25, 2012

Old NFO has the Last 6 Seconds

And I suggest some kleenex should be handy for your allergies.

"The truck explodes. The camera goes blank. Two young men go to their God. Six seconds. Not enough time to think about their families, their country, their flag, or about their lives or their deaths, but more than enough time for two very brave young men to do their duty into eternity. That is the kind of people who are on watch all over the world tonight - for you."

People like our president and his ilk, don't understand that it's not about them. It's about the dream of what this country is about. Freedom, self determination and personal responsibility. To the political prostitutes it's about what type of deal can they get for themselves and their friends and benefactors. It's about the real people like those two Marines. It's not about birth control. It's not about Racism. It's not about government handouts. However the political prostitutes try to make it about all those other issues. So they can lie, cheat, steal and destroy what makes this country what it is and is supposed to be. This country used to be called the blinding light of freedom and democracy. Now thanks to the politicians, it has become a dim shadow of itself. Laws, regulations and other hindrances to our Rights are being diminished not through the ballot box, but the use of a pen to sign another law or regulation further restricting our rights.

Those two Marines didn't die for some abstract theory. They died knowing that if they didn't do it, others would die in a senseless act. So they stood up and took personal responsibility and gave up their lives to protect others. That scares the political prostitutes. The fact that there are people who believe in this dream. Would willingly lay down their lives for it. That scares them. For they know, that on their side, there is truly no one with that willingness, that intense personal belief, that they would sacrifice themselves. That shallowness of theirs is evident in how they weasel around and cast aspersions upon those who do have those beliefs and do stand up for them. They seek to destroy what they cannot comprehend. They seek to change what should not be changed. All for their own narrow minded self interest.

Let us not forget what those and countless other Marines, Soldiers, Swabbies, Airmen and Coasties have given us for all the years of this great experiment in democracy.

Freedom isn't free.

It costs the blood and lives of our nations most cherished children.

Should we forget that, their sacrifices become in vain.

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