Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Shape of Things to Come

Reading all the news stories a thought came into my head. And with that thought, came a song. this song.

The Lyrics:

Jesus´ praying for rain, lightning flashes around
The prophet is screaming, his head hits the ground
You should hear the warning if you read the signs
Play with your own life but don't play with mine
The shape of things to come
There was Moses and me when the wind took the change
He hands out the menu, he moves out of range
If you knew the action, you see us so blind
Play with your own life but don´t play with mine
The shape of things to come
You´re not invited to stay, you´re not intended to go
Can you tell the future, I don´t think so
You should hear the warning if you read the signs
Play with your own life but don't play with mine
The shape of things to come
You're living your way, I live in mine
May be tomorrow we will collide

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