Thursday, March 22, 2012

So I'm taking my show out of hiatus

and I click to see what it would cost for me to get a premium channel to offer more services for people who would want to listen to my show. Hmmmm.

$39.00 a month. They don't seem to understand, when you have 7 kids, $39.00 a month is a LOT of money. That's gas to take a kid to the Doctors office in Corpus 40 miles away. That's 3 pairs of jeans for one of my kids or 1 pair of jeans for 3 of my kids. So I don't think I'll be upgrading anytime soon. Besides their minimum plan is more than I need. I just need 60 minutes per day, if that, 6 call in lines, being able to broadcast during primetime, and being able to upload more than 3 audio files.

Any opinions on how I should approach this?

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