Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Uh, Why?

Why is this person still in the news cycle? Why is anyone paying any attention to this self absorbed, narcissistic media created individual?

"Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke said on Tuesday that candidates running for office should have to pass a pro-woman litmus test in order to get elected."

Seriously? A "Pro-Woman" litmus test? Isn't the right to believe what you wish to believe guaranteed in the Constitution? So now she is saying that in order to be elected a person needs to pass some test to show that they are "Pro-Woman" What type of hypocrisy is this? Ohhh, I remember. Liberal Democrat Left Hypocrisy. The do as I say not as I do, and I know better than you so shut up and take it, party.

How about this Litmus Test?

If you cannot effectively state just what your actual rights are under the Constitution, you should shut up? Ohhh, sorry, we can't even do that.... why? Because the "Government" does not have the authority to take away your "Right" to say things which may be distasteful to someone. Here is an old saying which I agree with with my entire being. "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it with my life." However, that which I hold in my soul and believe with all of my being, is an anathema to the leftist extremists. They want to be able to control what you can and cannot say. Why? Because if if you can control how someone speaks, you can try to control how they think. By forbidding or banning a type of speech, they try to forbid or ban a type of thought. George Carlin did a bit on this and I have spent the last hour trying to find the video of it. But I can't. I wonder why? I did however find some other cogent observations by Mr. Carlin. and these are posted below.

I apologize in advance for some of the language he uses.

All in all I feel he nails it pretty much on the head.

And Ms Know-it-all, who wishes to "Pro-Women-Litmus-Test" everyone who runs for office, should be ashamed of herself and her own narcissism. However, we know from various outlets, that she isn't doing this on her own. Noooooo, she is a run plant by none other than the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Think about that when you read her "notions". Just another attempt by mistake in chief to control the discussion and to divert attention away from his failed policies and his further plans.

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