Friday, April 6, 2012

Didn't they learn after the first 4 bankruptcies?

The Department of Energy, is getting ready to give away MORE of tax dollars to "Green" energy companies, while the EPA is forcing the shuttering of existing electrical power plants.

"The Energy Department said Thursday it expects to begin tentatively approving new taxpayer-backed loans for renewable energy projects in the coming months.

The announcement comes about seven months after Solyndra, the California solar firm that received a $535 million loan guarantee from the administration in 2009, went bankrupt, setting off a firestorm in Washington."

So what part of the previous boondoggles and graft DIDN'T they understand the first time?

“Over the past three years the loan programs have invested in some of the world’s biggest, most innovative, and most ambitious clean energy projects to date, supporting a balanced portfolio of American clean energy projects that are creating tens of thousands of jobs nationwide and are expected to provide power to nearly three million U.S. households,”

That have FAILED! "Hello, FAILBlog? Have I got something new for you."

"The House Energy and Commerce Committee has spent more than a year probing the Solyndra loan guarantee, using the bankruptcy to raise broader questions about the Obama administration's clean energy investments.

Committee Republicans have alleged that the department missed a series of red flags that hinted at Solyndra’s financial problems. And they’ve accused the administration of approving the loan to please Obama’s campaign donors, a claim the White House strongly denies.

The committee’s investigation has not uncovered evidence of political influence. But the probe has unearthed details that are likely embarrassing and potentially politically damaging for the White House, including that officials questioned the wisdom of approving the Solyndra loan guarantee."

Now I think I understand Obummers plan. He'll use graft and corruption to bankrupt the entire country so that the U.N. will come in and take over, and there will be one world government of POVERTY!

That's my .02 cents on the matter.

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