Saturday, April 21, 2012

Friday the 13th - New Executive Order strangling our energy supply

I got this from clicking over at Silicon Graybeards blog.

"It was Friday the 13. If you are superstitious, then the new Executive Order issued yesterday, “Supporting Safe and Responsible Development of Unconventional Domestic Natural Gas Resources” must give you pause.

The order states,“While natural gas production is carried out by private firms, and States are the primary regulators of onshore oil and gas activities, the Federal Government has an important role to play by regulating oil and gas activities on public and Indian trust lands, encouraging greater use of natural gas in transportation, supporting research and development aimed at improving the safety of natural gas development and transportation activities, andsetting sensible, cost-effective public health and environmental standards to implement Federal law and augment State safeguards.” 

Click the above to RTWT.

Also Over at Silicon Graybeard's in the post where I got the above, he discusses Ben Bernanke's speech on Friday the 13th.  And he discusses several miscue's and mistakes, Mr. Bernanke makes in his assumptions about the economy of the U.S.A.

Click HERE to go read that article.

Now, if Obummer is trying to add MORE regulation and unnecessary oversight, adding more unnecessary costs for more hoops and hurdles that must be jumped through by the oil companies, what do you suppose will happen to our energy costs?  What has been happening to our energy costs since Obummer came into office?  Aren't we paying enough, already?  This is all to supposedly "Ensure continuation of energy" yet I don't see it happening.

To quote one of my earlier posts "HEY OBAMA!?!?!?  WHERE IS THE BEEF?"

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