Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm so angry I could, I could

Well, I won't say what I would do.  Over on the right is a link to a forum I am a member of called The Replica Prop Forum.  You can click on it and it will take you there.  One of the members posted about an article on a "Gentlemans" website, that was rather crude about Female costumers/cosplayers.  So, I click on over to see what was written, and immediately felt my blood pressure start to rise.  The link I will put below.

The Worst Black Widow cosplay pictures on the internet

Now I don't know those women costumers/cosplayers.  I DO however speak to other member who DO know them.  I also know about how much work goes into making those costumes.  Many of these female costumers/cosplayers, do this for many reasons.  Several of them create these costumes, sew them themselves, spend their time and money to do this.  A few of the ladies also enjoy volunteering at local hospitals and charities to help kids.  For this misogynistic cretin to degrade them for a laugh in order to get a few page views to increase his paid advertising is repulsive to me.  His so-called apology, isn't.  It's an attempt to divert a bunch of upset people.  Women and men, one being myself, from spreading bad publicity about his site.  His so-called apology posted below.

Cosplay aficionados, I have something to say to you 

I find his apology, less than apologetic.  And more of a leave me alone, quit being mean to me.  It was just a joke.

Sorry, it isn't a joke when you demean someone like you did, and to do so in such a public fashion as well.  I would suggest you read the comments over there, as his denunciations become louder and less comprehensible.

I'm going to take some tylenol and lie down for a bit.

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