Monday, April 16, 2012

Not Funny...

And for people to think it is, shows a callous disregard for morality.

Read the whole story HERE at Gateway Pundit...

This is sick and disgusting in my opinion. I have three teenage daughters, and this so called comedienne thinks this if "Funny". No it's not. It sends the wrong message to young women that there are no consequences for their actions. I don't agree with abortion. However as I have said on my show and I believe a few times here on my blog, unless I am the father of the child which might be aborted, "I" have no say in the womans choice to get one. I can say however, I will pay for counseling, I will pay for adoption, I will pay for medical expenses for that child. I REFUSE to pay for the abortion however. Unless it is necessary to save the life of the mother or in the cases of rape or incest, I'm sorry. I WILL NOT pay for it. And I DO NOT want my tax dollars to pay for it either. I will gladly pay for birth control, I will gladly pay for adoption services. But the decision whether or not she should or shouldn't have an abortion is not mine, so I have no say in the matter. It is between her and God. Because every child is precious and should be protected. For some person, I'm sorry in my opinion Ms. Silverman doesn't even rate that courtesy, for some CALLOUS IGNORANT IDIOT! to make a joke out of something like the destruction of a human life, is beyond the pale. HOW DARE YOU! Ms. Silverman a public person, even JOKE about something like that. I have talked to my daughters about their sexuality, and I have told them if they need birth control we will get it. My two oldest daughters are on birth control, the youngest isn't because of the Physicians recommendation. My children know how I stand on the issue of abortion, and they agree with me. The availability of birth control should make it so there are LESS abortions in this country. However for the years 1998 to 2008 the last reported year the statistics are approximately 267.1 abortions per 1000 live births averaged out over 10 years. Don't believe me HERE is the link you can do the math yourself. How is it with the increased availability of birth control, the abortion rates do not go down? The population has been increasing, the availability of birth control has been increasing. Should the rate of abortions have decreased?

I'm getting off my soap box as I'm raising my blood pressure unnecessarily. For shallow callous unthinking people, abortion is not a joke. It is not a comedy routine. Maybe this is why Hollywood still can't figure out why their big block buster anti war message movies tank. They don't think like the rest of America does.

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