Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What about the 4th and 5h amendment?

From Peter:

"Government researchers say that hacking into consoles will allow police to catch pedophiles and terrorists. Meanwhile, privacy advocates worry that gamers may leave sensitive data -- and not just credit card information -- on their Nintendos without knowing it.

. . .
The project, called the "Gaming Systems Monitoring and Analysis Project," originated in 2008, when law enforcement authorities were concerned about pedophiles using video game consoles to find victims. "Today's gaming systems are increasingly being used by criminals as a primary tool in exploiting children and, as a result, are being recovered by U.S. law enforcement organizations during court-authorized searches," says Garfinkel, a computer forensics expert. Indeed, the FBI warns that pedophiles often use online gaming forums as their hunting grounds. However, "there is a suspicion" that terrorists are also using online games to communicate, says John Verrico, spokesman for DHS's Science and Technology Directorate. While homeland security is the primary DHS mission, it also supports domestic law enforcement and first responders, Verrico says"

I was under the impression that the4th Amendment prohibited "Fishing Expeditions" for information to check for "Possible" crimes.

Also under the 5th Amendment wouldn't this so called "Evidence" be inadmissible? Especially if it was obtained through a violation of the 4th amendment?

Why can't the Government keep it's nose out of my business? If I am committing no observable crime, or acting in such a way as to give the government "Probable Cause", what makes them think it is ok for them to try to find something in the absence of evidence? The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are there to LIMIT overbearing and malicious prosecutions by overzealous and biased agents of the government. I would like to know just under what section of the Constitution this is legal and allowable. Until such time as it can be PROVEN to be legal and allowable under the Constitution, any further attempts by the Government to obtain such technology, should be forbidden to it.

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