Thursday, May 24, 2012

Asthma Medication withheld from student

because a medical release form lacked a parent signature. Student collapses and the school nurse just stands there. And no one called 911.  Of all the idiocy!  I would hope if a child who carries an Epi-pen who is suffering from an allergic reaction, such as my two oldest children, and is in reaction would be allowed to save their own life.  I'm sorry but properly prescribed medication with proper documentation should NOT require ANY form.  It is a Life Saving Medication?  Yes.  Does it have the child's name and information on it?  Yes.  Then BUTT the heck out.  And to NOT call 911 when the child cannot breath?!?!  The nurse should have her license suspended or revoked and EVERY PERSON in that office who just sat there should be fired and sued civilly

"She thinks her son could have died because of a technicality.

"How dare you deny my son something that we all take for granted, breath," said Sue Rudi. "Why didn't someone call 911?"

Selesky said the district is looking into whether proper procedures were followed by the school, and while nurses can't give medications without the proper authorization, it is district policy to call 911 when a student cannot breath.

Selesky could not explain why 911 was never called."

h/t: Insty

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