Monday, May 7, 2012

George Lindsey has died

Many won't recognize him by that name though.  He was known by one of the greatest characters he played.  Goober Pyle, of the Andy Griffith Show, Mayberry R.F.D, and Hee Haw.  I know him as a Kemper Graduate and the Commencement Speaker of the 1985 Graduating Class of Kemper Military School and College, in Boonville, Missouri.

I was a student at Kemper at the time, and after the ceremonies he graciously made himself available to talk to everyone.  Including me.  The lady who was the barber for the school, took a picture of myself and Mr. Lindsey while he and I talked.  She told me that he and I had talked for over 20 minutes.  I remember very little of what we had talked about, but I felt very good that a famous actor would take the time to talk to a simple high school student.  I can remember to this day that he wore a plain blue suit and tie, that he walked and carried himself with what was called at Kemper, "Proper Military Stature", standing straight up, looking everyone in the face, courteous to a fault.  Thinking about that memory, I do remember one thing he told me.  And I do believe that it has helped me.  Mr. Lindsey told me this.

"Don't let anyone try to pigeon hole you, and make you less of who and what you are."

That is the only thing I really remember about our conversation.  I remember more about the girl I was trying to impress, the one who blew me off after I helped her get out of trouble.  Her, though?  I can't even remember her name, or what she looked like.  I just remember what a small person she was.

Mr. Lindsey on the other hand.  Well I do remember something he told me.  And I think it was because he saw how that young lady had just treated me.

Thank you Mr. Lindsey.  I wish I still had that photo of you and I standing next to the cannon and the flagpole talking.  You did impart some wisdom to a young man.

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