Saturday, May 12, 2012

Taurus Model 82 Part III

Well I finally had some decent enough weather, even with a small tornado, to take the kids and get some shooting in. I shot a box of Remington 158 gr LRN out of my new to me Taurus model 82.

Links to previous postings about this pistol are part 1, part 2.

Now I normally shoot at 10 inch pie pans, however I didn't have any so today I shot at a 9 inch paper plate. Please excuse the Happy Birthday on it. My birthday was the other day.

It's hard to tell from the front but that's 17 out of 18 rounds into a 9 inch paper plate at 21 feet. That is acceptable accuracy to me. I haven't been able to shoot in several months so I'm a little bit out of practice, but after firing several thousand rounds through an almost identical pistol, albeit with a set of Pachmayr gripper grips and a satin nickle finish,over the last 18 years, switching to standard grips wasn't that much of a big deal to me. The recoil did seem to be a little sharper, but nothing uncomfortable. I'll have to load up some 125 gr JHP +P's to see if it is still manageable, if not I'll get a set of gripper grips for this one as well.

All in all, even with it's heavy holster wear it is mechanically sounds and reasonably accurate.

The Remington 158 gr LRN ammo on the other hand is extremely dirty ammo compared to my Winchester White box or Remington Golden Sabers. I'm not sure exactly what powder they use for these LRN's but it is significantly dirtier than what they use for the Golden Saber +P's I normally carry.

I understand others who have purchased these pistols from various dealers have gotten problem pistols, however I purchased mine from J&G Sales in Arizona, and I have purchased from them in the past, and have never had any issue with any firearm I have purchased through them. YMMV however, but I personally have had no complaints or problems with them.

FTC Notice: I have received no remuneration of any type from J&G Sales, or Remington Ammunition. I did this test on my dime no one else's. I just happen to like J&G as they have some nice deals on firearms, and they haven't sold me any junk yet.

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