Saturday, May 26, 2012

Yes, where is the outrage.....

From TexasFred

"A convenience store clerk who was set on fire during a robbery Sunday has died of her injuries, Garland police said late Friday

Nancy Harris, 76, had been in critical condition in Parkland Hospital since a robber doused her with a flammable liquid and set her on fire in the 3300 block of Broadway Boulevard, near East Centerville Road."

Where is the shock and outrage?

Where is the NAACP, Je$$ie Jack$on, Al $harpton, the New Black Panthers Party and the like? Where are all the bleeding hearts that are always so filled with rage when a BLACK person is murdered? Think: Trayvon Martin.

Where is Barack Hussein Obama? Why haven’t we heard any offers of sympathy from him or *Mooch*?

As TexasFred says... Where is the outrage?

It simply amazes me the selective outrage that certain public persons have. The rank hypocrisy and self indulgence is sickening.

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