Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It doesn't matter what caliber you use

as this repost of a Jim Higgenbotham post states.

"Surviving a gunfight isn't what you think it is. Don’t let conventional wisdom get you killed. A well place round to "center mass" in your attacker may not take him out of the fight. Lots of people stay in the fight after "center mass" hits, and some even win it. If you expect to win your gunfight, you have to make sure that you have effectively ended the threat of your attacker. One, two or even several well placed "center mass" shots may not do what you think it will, and learning to recognize this before you gunfight may save your life."

Click the above excerpt to go RTWT

I got the link from a friend

1 comment:

  1. Many years of Guard pistol competition training for "Excellence In Competition" including the anti-body armor drill have taken care of that.


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