Saturday, June 23, 2012

More back door Government Regs to limit the Second Amendment

Over at the Volokh Conspiracy David Kopel has the story of OSHA citing a Gun Store/Range for so-called "violations", such as:

"A gun range instructor conducting shooter instruction was observed reaching down on the range floor to collect a loaded handgun cartridge. The employee was not wearing any hand protection such as gloves. The gun range floor was contaminated with lead. The gun had misfired and it required manual cycling of the barrel slide to remove the defective round which then fell on the gun range floor."

Uhhh, that is what you are supposed to do. If you clear a misfire you pick up the live cartridge from the ground. Uhh Common Sense...... Ohh that's right this is the GOVERNMENT......... Anyway go click the click above or below and RTWT, you really really need to know this stuff.

Click : HERE

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