Sunday, June 3, 2012

New addition to the blogroll

Over on the right somewhere is the list of blogs I try to read as often as possible.  Some of them haven't been updated in a long time, some will never be updated ever again.  Those are there to honor the people such as Dr. William The Coroner who passed away.  From time to time I add a blog or two that I find while reading the various blogs.  Some blogs just get bookmarked, others get added to my blogroll.  Now I am adding to the blogroll.

The Madness of the Combat Medic isn't a new blog, it's been around a bit. His writings have hit a chord in me and I think it will in you as well.

So here is the link, please click on it and you might want to consider bookmarking it for yourself.

The Madness of the Combat Medic

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