Saturday, June 9, 2012

Obummer out Hillary in?

Over at Insty there is a post with a few addendums.

"UPDATE: Reader David Horwich writes: “Yes, that is blood we’re smelling in the water. Thought experiment: what if Bill Clinton is undermining BO for his wife NOT for 2016, but instead for 2012? Knowing Dems, who have demonstrated an uncanny ability to shift any rule they like for political convenience, wouldn’t the biggest surprise of all be if they put HER up for November instead of rapidly-becoming-radioactive Barack?”

Well, if Obama pulled an LBJ, Hillary would be the first name to everyone’s lips, especially since the other leading candidate from 2008, John Edwards, is out of the picture. But I don’t see it."

If this actually does come to happen all I can say is that it would be the worst thing to happen to the Democrat Party. Why the Democrat Party do you say? Because it would show their supporters, their base just how screwed up their party is. Their fund raising would be even more convoluted, as Obummer wouldn't release his war chest to the party, and he would fight it tooth and nail. His arrogance wouldn't allow him to quit, nor would his real supporters. And I'm not talking about the people with d's after their name.

As for Hillary running, I'm sorry but Obummer has destroyed what credibility she had with his back room deals and petulance. If she were to resign as Secretary of State, and actively oppose his administration, it might help her, but I doubt it would be enough before the November elections.

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