Friday, June 29, 2012

Raising boys or raising Men?

I think this Lady, (please note the capitalization of that) has an idea of why young men either become useless fops, or angry bitter rebellious teens. I will only excerpt a small section here.

"We live in a society of angry young men. You see them everywhere - slouching, defiant, rebellious. Is this just a natural "stage" of development, or are we creating these malcontents?

As our sons have gotten older, my husband and I have given these questions a lot of thought. We have witnessed many friends sons grow from being sweet, fun-loving ruddy little boys into being angry, rude, disrespectful "teenagers". We have watched godly parents lose their sons in fits of rebellion, leaving mangled remnants of families to stagger onward. Is there any hope for us? Will our sweet sons be fodder for an angry world?"

And I will direct you to her blog to read the rest. She makes a very insightful point about how mothers need to step aside at times in the raising of their male offspring. And her reasons for that thought.

Also I am adding her blog to the Emergency Preparedness/Survival links section on the right as well.

Click the above link to RTWT Link

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