Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Borepatch has a couple you need to read

First about Liberal Leftie Intellectuals lacking imagination:

"Oh yeah, they're also idiots. I'm afraid that I'm going to get a bit ranty, so if that's not your thing, then stop back later. Otherwise, hang on while I fisk the Chronicle of Higher Education.

[waits for the thunder of departing feet to die down]

As an Intellectual, I must say that it's very annoying how degraded the state of modern "intellectuals" has become. Quite frankly, it wasn't always that way. At one time, there were actually intellectuals worthy of the name (before it became an epithet).

Now, not so much. Real leftie intellectuals like John Kenneth Galbraith would kick intellectual sand in their faces down on the intellectual beach. Therein lies the rant."

Click to RTWT

Then there is his post on the hacking of "Smart" electrical meters: 

"Extensible Framework" has been the security hotness for five or six years now. I've been warning about these stupid "Smart" meters for basically as long as I've been blogging. Companies rushed to get them deployed before the security framework was thought through. Welcome to Hell, Department of Energy types!

For everyone else, I think that the first use for this will be to audit your power company. This tool likely will let you get access to all sorts of meter data, so you'll be able to tell if the power company is trying to rip you off. Or if someone has pwned the power company and is messing with you."

Seriously go RTWT

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