Sunday, July 29, 2012

Feminists take note -

you are hurting your own cause. The below is the result.

"I rant against rabid feminism that seeks to subjugate men, or hold women to a lesser standard, because the logical inconsistency annoys the hell out of me. I believe in treating people as equals until they prove otherwise, and today I realized that I was not acting on that belief out of fear.

Some background is in order, right now I am taking a class that has separated me from my family for a few months. The Army still considers this "dwell time" but it is anything but. The course is designed for Captains and above, but the National Guard has the opportunity to send 2nd Lieutenant or higher as they see fit for their state. In this class we have a few Guard Soldiers, and one of them happens to be a female 2LT."

Click the above to RTWT

You really need to read the whole thing. It isn't a symptom of what Radical Feminism is doing. It is the result.

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