Thursday, July 12, 2012

Of course Obummer and his cronies

will say it's the Republicans fault.  Of course AP went back and re-edited the story without noting that it had done so.

here is the original quote from JWF

"Democrats blocked a Senate vote Wednesday on President Barack Obama’s plan to extend expiring tax cuts for a year for everyone but the highest-earning Americans, as the two parties maneuvered to try embarrassing each other on one of the election year’s foremost issues.

The move came just two days after Obama urged Congress to vote on his proposal. Democrats plan to take up the president’s proposal before Congress’ August recess.

Without action by lawmakers, wide-ranging tax cuts enacted a decade ago under President George W. Bush will expire on New Year’s Day, an outcome that economists say would be a blow to the already weak economy."

Now click on the following link and see if you can find those rather short paragraphs anywhere in the article now. HERE

The AP, editing and re-editing the news until it fits our objective.

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