Sunday, July 29, 2012

Oh, this is comforting

First click Read this:

"The United States government said today that even if the indictment of the Megaupload corporation is dismissed, it can continue its indefinite freeze on the corporation's assets while it awaits the extradition of founder Kim Dotcom and his associates."

Did I read that right?  The U.S. Department of Justice has decided to unilaterally maintain the seizure of the assets of a corporation even if the Judge order the dismissal of the charges?  Uhhmmm, They way I'm reading this is the DOJ screwed up by the numbers and instead of admitting it and making amends they are like the petulant child holding it's breath to get it's way.  Holding on to the assets of Megaupload and it's founder Kim Dotcom, punishing the company and Mr. Dotcom for the audacity of being the victim of the DOJ's misdirected and bungled prosecution .

What is next for the DOJ?  Refusing to uphold the Law in the U.S?  Oh wait....  That's already happening.  Well then are they going to use this vexatious pernicious ability of theirs to harass others?  Maybe people who don't want to buy overly processed foods?  Oh, wait.....  They're doing that..  Maybe they are going to try to stop the flow of weapons from the U.S. into Mexico?  Oh wait...  They've done that..

Maybe what we need isn't a Department of Justice, but a Department of Law.  Where they actually enforce the Law and the Constitution you know as it is WRITTEN!  NOT! as they would like it to be.

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