Monday, August 20, 2012

3D printing and a Warning from Peter

Peter has two stories, well maybe two and a half.  The first has two stories in one, one neato wow the other very heartwarming.

"We've spoken about 3D printing here on several occasions. I'm fascinated by the potential of this technology, which may replace a great deal of manufacturing as we know it. It's not unlikely that in a couple of decades from now, you'll literally 'print out' spare parts for your appliances or vehicles right at home, if you're into doing your own maintenance."

That is the two in one, then we have:

"In December last year I predicted that a major war would break out sometime in the next year. We're two-thirds of the way through that 12-month period, but I see no reason to change my prediction (in fact, I'm astonished that we haven't seen open hostilities yet!).

In line with my earlier predictions, note these recent developments in the Middle East."

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