Friday, August 3, 2012

Chick-fil-a Kiss in

Gay marriage supporters are going to have a "Kiss in" at Chick-fil-a in response to Company CEO Dan Cathy's comments as to his beliefs in regards to traditional marriage.

"Basically what you're going to get is a bunch of pretty normal, average, everyday people that just happen to be gay or lesbian give each other a kiss or a hug, hold each other's hand, and really show them that we stand up for what we believe," said Marci Alt, who is organizing a protest outside the Chick-fil-A in Decatur, Ga., about 20 miles from the company's Atlanta headquarters."

I have no problem with that, however you know that someone will do something silly, so they can get on the news and spout off "their" message.  I'd be willing to take bets on it.  Ms. Alt goes on to say.

"Activists who are planning to turn out for Friday's kiss-off say it is not about speech, it's about action. Chick-fil-A and the non-profit foundation WinShape that it supports have donated millions to anti-gay groups such as the Marriage & Family Foundation, the Family Research Council and the National Institute of Marriage, all of which support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. 

"Yes, you're allowed to have your opinion, but when you start signing checks over to people who are against my community and trying to rip my family apart, I'm going to stand up," Alt said. The couple have also invited
Alt said she expects "hundreds, hopefully thousands" of people to show up for the Atlanta kiss-in. Other formal protests are planned in Dallas and New York City and hundreds of other informal kiss-ins are expected around the country."

Please notice the BOLD words. It is not about speech, it's about action.  I'm sorry but didn't the US Supreme Court decide that contributions to political groups and such are protected as Speech?  Sooo the fact that Chick-fil-a gives money to these organizations, they are exercising their free speech.  And these activists have an issue with that.  I'm sorry folks you're being hypocrites.  Chick-fil-a can give money to whoever they want, just like you can.  So for you to say the reason you are going to stage your "kiss in" is because of that, just goes to show just how hypocritical you are.

Free Speech for me, but not for thee.

Typical Liberal thought patterns.

click to RTWT

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