Thursday, August 16, 2012

Combating the Gaystapo

a Post from Kevin DuJan over at Hillbuzz:

"Yesterday, Floyd Corkins II of Herndon, Virginia — who worked with The DC Center, an LGBTQAI community center in the nation’s capital — brought a gun to the Family Research Council’s headquarters because he was driven by an all-consuming hatred of Christians and egged on by the nation’s self-styled “gay leaders” to “get in their faces” and inflict harm on the people that the gay community routinely brands as “enemies”. He concealed his gun in a Chick-Fil-A bag as a political statement and likely got the idea to do that from the nonstop, hate-fueled rage the gay community’s directed against the fast food chain for the last month because of COO Dan Carthay’s unapologetic promotion of traditional Christian values"

If anyone records these events but doesn't want to post it themselves, send it to me. I will post it on my youtube account and then post it here as well.

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