Friday, August 31, 2012

Draft Condi

Are you reading Hillbuzz?  If you aren't you need to be, Kevin is back and writing up a storm, not to play down the contributions of his co-bloggers, but Kevin is hitting them out of the park since he got well.  Now on to the main story:

"Condoleezza Rice keeps saying her future is in California and she has no designs on national office. 

Well…how about her running for statewide office in California then? 

I’d love to see that happen. 

It would be fun to watch Democrats alienate black people as they try to attack her. 

The big way Democrats attack black candidates is by calling them pejoratives riffs on Harriet Beecher Stowe characters. Ignorantly, they call Condi by the hateful “Aunt Tom” name…which is just dumb because Uncle Tom’s wife in the book is Aunt Jane, who also lived in the cabin. So, the Leftists who attempt to terrorize black female conservatives are illiterate not knowing that the slur they actually mean to use against black women like Condi or Mia Love is “Aunt Jane”. 

The Tolerant Left: as ill-read as it is hateful."


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