Thursday, August 9, 2012

Even bacon?

"You, too, can be O.K. without pork.

That’s the message of Michael J. Sorrell, president of Paul Quinn College in Dallas. Well, part of the message at least – after all, Sorrell didn’t ban pork from his campus dining facilities arbitrarily. No – the decision to stop offering any pork products was based in a much broader institutional philosophy, the president says.

“When you come to college, you come to be educated,” Sorrell said. “We thought we could do more in the area of promoting healthy lifestyle choices and healthy eating habits.”

To be honest when I read the headline on Instapundit, my first thought was some college trying to curry favor with Muslims. Then I read the article.

Uhhmmm, I'm 44 years old and I will eat what I want to eat, when I want to eat it, without the interference of an overly officious school administrator. Where does he get off attempting to dictate what students do and do not eat? Fine it's the schools cafeteria, take out the pork and bacon, don't be surprised if students get chinese take out and pizza delivered so they can eat it, in your cafeteria, just to rub your nose in your simpleminded, and I do mean that exactly as I typed it, decision.

As many have pointed out many times in the past. You cannot legislate behavior. People will do whatever ay to obtain or do it.they choose to do. If you attempt to make something illegal or restrict access to it, they will still find a way to obtain or do it.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

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