Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Feds suing to gain control of New Mexico's Water supply

The Gateway Pundit has the story.

"Clearly, it was jolting news the New Mexico Legislature’s Water and Natural Resources Committee wasn’t prepared for.

During Monday’s committee meeting, in the Barbara Hubbard Room at the Pan American Center Annex, lawyers representing the New Mexico Office of the State Engineer, Elephant Butte Irrigation District, and the city of Las Cruces, told the committee that a state Water Court hearing will be at 9 a.m. Wednesday, at the Third Judicial Court Complex, 201 E. Picacho Ave., and the future management of state’s water supply could hang in the balance of the hearing’s outcome."

Click the RTWT

If this goes through, coupled with a recent case in Oregon, you won't be able to even water your own grass or flush a toilet without a permit or permission from the Federal Government.  Is that what we want?  A federal government that so over reaches itself that there are NO personal liberties or freedom.  That is what the liverals like Obama, Reid and Pelosi want.  What do you want?

Me?  I want a very limited government, that recognizes the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and recognizes it's own limitations under those two documents.  That is what I want.  The government has no reason to be in my bedroom, my house, kitchen or anywhere else where their actions infringe upon me or my family.

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