Monday, August 27, 2012

Gay Blackmail and the Democrats

Kevin over at Hillbuzz has something very interesting:

"This is seriously the tangerine-dyed man that some in the agenda-driven media claimed “will be the VP nominee in 2008″.

Democrats would have outed him in spectacular fashion minutes after that pick…and everyone knew it. There are, in fact, only two reasons that Democrats don’t out all of the gay Republicans currently in office (or those seeking office): (1) because Democrats blackmail these guys whenever they need them to vote against their party on something (I’m looking at you Lindsey Graham, Mark Kirk, Aaron Schock, and Adam Kinzinger) when they have no valid reason to vote against the party line and (2) Democrats save these guys up to out, humiliate, and embarrass whenever they need to change the national narrative and distract from something bad Democrats have done lately."

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