Thursday, August 23, 2012

General Dempsey and OPSEC

ultimaratioregis over at Bring the Heat, Bring the Stupid, has a post about Joint Chiefs Chairman Major General Martin Dempsey's comments about the current squall over a group of former and retired Special Operation Personnel, who are speaking out about the current Administrations leaks of classified information.

"Disappointment. That is a very good word to use. Joint Chiefs Chairman General Martin Dempsey applied it recently. It seems the General, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the senior Officer in our Armed Forces, is “disappointed” that former service members have strongly expressed opinions regarding the conduct of Administration officials, including the President."

General, my message to you as a former soldier.

Who are you to decide how I or anyone else no longer in the service, can express my opinion on matters which I feel are detrimental to the safety and security of this country? I have the "RIGHT" to speak my mind, when and where I so desire. A "RIGHT" you swore an Oath to Defend, as did I and millions of other servicemembers. So where do you get off telling me or others that we cannot express our views? Maybe you need to read 3 documents again. First the Oath you and I and countless others took. The Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution. I made those as Hyper Links in case you cannot find them on your own. Read those General, and then try to tell me why I as a former soldier and private citizen, no longer under the Jurisdiction of the UCMJ, cannot speak my own mind. Your actions and words bring dishonor to our military, for you forget the Oath and what it means.

Click the above to RTWT

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