Tuesday, August 14, 2012

IED's on our southern border

Check your local and national news. Check the cable news channels. Are they discussing the following stories?

Story #1

"Federal law enforcement agents in San Diego arrested 60 people in connection with an Iraqi criminal ring with ties to Mexico’s powerful Sinaloa drug cartel.

The gang is accused of selling drugs, machine guns and improvised bombs (IEDs) out of a social club for Iraqi immigrants in El Cajon, Calif., a city of more than 90,000 located near the Mexican border."

Story #2
"Using IEDs to try to attack targets in the U.S. is something many law enforcement officials know all too well.

“The threat is indeed real. IED attacks been attempted multiple times in New York City already,” Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne told POLITICO."

Story #3
"Improvised explosive devices have claimed the lives and limbs of thousands of American soldiers across Iraq and Afghanistan.

And now officials say the devilish devices are posing a growing threat across Texas and the United States."

I live a few hours from the Texas-Mexico Border I am a HAM Radio Operator and I listen to a scanner constantly. I have been hearing many things on the US Military frequencies, and also on the various Law Enforcement frequencies for months. Things which worry me. Things which are NOT being broadcast on the news or printed by the newspapers. I know that the Coast Guard and the Navy have increased their patrols between Brownsville and Galveston. I know that there are more Military aircraft patrolling the Gulf, most of them have MAD gear on them. I know that there are more ASW craft in the Gulf right now than there have been in the last 5 years. I know there is a LOT more encrypted radio traffic going on in the area now than I have heard in the last few years, much of it on the Federal or Military frequencies. And using a homebrew scanner antenna that most of the signals are coming from the Gulf, I traced the strongest signal on my map and they are about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile east of South Padre Island about 15 to 25 miles north of Brownsville. That was taken over the weekend, using a lenstatic compass to shoot the azimuth from the antenna, then using google earth to follow it out adding in the perceived signal strength, which was hitting me about 5 bars out of 12. Not totally sure if my distance is correct but it's a somewhat educated guesstimate.

What aren't we being told? And who decided not to tell us? And why isn't the media screaming about the secrecy?


  1. Did you see this article about the Russian Sub in the gulf?
    I thought it was interesting. Could be related. I haven't heard JACKDIDDLY about IEDs in America though. Just a matter of time though I guess, before nasty along those lines happen.

    HAM op here too.
    The QRPrat.

  2. I just clicked the link to it from This Ain't Hell and was getting ready to post an update. Thankee for the headsup, not sure why I"m not getting my notifications like I'm supposed to on comments.


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