Sunday, August 26, 2012

More Occupy in Tampa

From Ace we have a breakdown:

"My advice to Dems and liberals planning on attending peaceful demonstrations at the RNC; they will not be peaceful. Someone else on your side already planned them otherwise. You will get hurt. It's been baked in the cake, by your own organizers, whose intent, absolutely, is to cynically abuse you.

Brandon Darby was tweeting about this the other day and I'm glad to see a full-length explanation of what he's talking about.

Mr. Darby's involvement helped stop the bomb plot at the 2008 RNC. When he infiltrated the protests at the last RNC, he found that both the peaceful, mainstream Dem protesters and the violent douchebags who were trying to shut down the convention were directed by the same organizers. A key to their strategy is that the mainstream people were unaware of the true goal of these organizers."

Please click the above and RTWT

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