Friday, August 3, 2012

Obama suing to restrict Military voting rights?

"President Barack Obama, along with many Democrats, likes to say that, while they may disagree with the GOP on many issues related to national security, they absolutely share their admiration and dedication to members of our armed forces. Obama, in particular, enjoys being seen visiting troops and having photos taken with members of our military. So, why is his campaign and the Democrat party suing to restrict their ability to vote in the upcoming election?

On July 17th, the Obama for America Campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and the Ohio Democratic Party filed suit in OH to strike down part of that state's law governing voting by members of the military. Their suit said that part of the law is "arbitrary" with "no discernible rational basis."

Excuse me?

Because Military members are allowed an additional 3 days to cast their vote, there is "no discernible rational basis"? Have you idiots ever heard of Patrols? Field Exercises? Extra Duty? Temporary Duty? You know, assignments which may place them outside of their base and not allow them time to go in to cast their ballot. Unless you want to allow the US Military to have portable voting booths to go to each unit with all of the necessary paper ballots for each state, county and local jurisdiction that the service members call their registered voting address. But that won't work for you either. As the Military would make sure you couldn't stuff the ballot box.

The US Military takes the ballot box very seriously. I remember when I was in basic training. I was only 17 at the timeso I was ineligible to vote, but I saw the DI's handing out the absentee ballots by state. My battalion was divided up by state and the guys who were registered to vote were called up, had to show their ID, sign for their ballot, go to the little booth to fill it out and then were given an envelope to seal it in. With MP's standing there to ensure no one interfered in any way. Then the sealed ballot was put in a double locked shipping trunk with a slot cut in the front, that looked like an old steamer trunk on steroids, that said US Postal Service on it. There was a US Postal Service Police officer standing next to it. When all the voting was done, the Postal Officer rolled the trunk out and into a large panel van which said US Mail on it, then locked the door and a regular postal worker drove the panel van, followed by the postal officer to the next battalion.

This was 1985, and like I said, the US Military takes the voting process seriously. One guy in Charlie Battery told the DI he didn't feel like voting, he thought it was a waste of time.

That was the first time I EVER saw my Battalion Commander, the DI heard this guy had him step aside then talked to the Charlie Battery XO. The XO RAN, not walked but RAN, back into the barracks. Eight minutes later the Battalion Commander was there and he told all of us in the battalion the importance of our vote, and why it was our DUTY and OBLIGATION to vote in every election.

I wish I could remember that speech, but it hit me in the gut. And I have voted in every election ever since.

It is EVERY Citizens Duty and Obligation to vote in every election. Every vote DOES count. Even with vote fraud perpetrated by both the Democrats and the Republicans, every vote still counts.

If you don't step up and vote, you have no say in what happens to our country, your state, your county, your city or your town. You have no right to complain about the politicians if you don't vote. Why? Because you didn't perform your Duty and Obligation. You shirked it and let others make your choice, therefor you have no right to complain.

But back to the Democrats attempt to take away the voting right of service members .

The Administration should be extremely careful in this. #1 because it may set a precedent they don't want and #2 It might just annoy service members enough that the Democrat party will lose even the small percentage of the military vote it already has.

So they had better re-think their strategy, if you could call it that.

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