Saturday, August 4, 2012

Obama's "October Surprise"

The Ulsterman has a report of Obama bid to have Ben Bernanke pull some shenanigan's this october, in a bid to help Obama win the election.

"I have recently received confirmation of Ben Bernanke’s intent to initiate a sizeable QE3 just prior to the November election. Whispers of this have been circulating for a number of weeks. It is now confirmed. Bernanke now appears quite motivated to do just that though there will be a fight among some within the FED"

Click to RTWT and you really need to read the whole thing.

The Ulsterman also has a post about e-mails concerning the Solyndra scandal"

"The Solyndra scandal took a big step up the ladder today, as ABC News uncovers new evidence that shows fears over a collapse reached all the way into the West Wing. An OMB analyst tried to raise red flags on the Obama administration’s attempt to rescue the now-bankrupt green-tech firm, before the Department of Energy rejected her advice and restructured the loans in March 2011, which illegally subordinated taxpayers in case of default. An e-mail from Kelly Colyar in August 2011 reminded recipients that she had predicted that very scenario — and that White House chief of staff had been briefed on her warning in February, before the restructuring."

Click to RTWT and you need to read this one as well.

And the third story from The Ulsterman, The Obama Administration has started to implement a program which might have UAV's flying over your city this fall.

"You see, Obama – he don’t trust the military. Not all of them…not many of them. But he trusts those drones, now don’t he? Don’t take him having to trust some military official to order troops to carry out an order inside the United States. It’s just inputting a bit of data – and the push of a button, right? And keep the f-cking military out of that equation there. Move the program…attach it directly to the White House. Make it…make it part of Homeland Security, right? Simple as that. One appropriations bill – just one…and it’s done."

Click to go RTWT, please go read it.

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