Monday, August 6, 2012

Peter caught this about your 401K and retirement accounts.

over at Ann Barnhardt's site.  I have Ann in my blogroll, however her page won't allow me to direct link, Peter however took some important exceprts.

"Teresa [Ghilarducci] is a member of the faculty at The New School in New York City, which is a Socialist University. Now, you might say, "Ann, ALL universities in this country could rightly be called "socialist" nowadays". True dat. But the New School makes Berkeley and Columbia look like Oral Roberts University and BYU by comparison. No, the New School is LITERALLY a socialist university. It was originally called the "University in Exile" and was begun by a bunch of Neo-Marxist scholars who were thrown out of fascist Italy and Nazi Germany in the early 1930s. Yeah. Remember my post about how Marxists purge intellectuals? But the other, somewhat humourous angle is that these guys were such extreme Marxists that they made Hitler and Mussolini UNCOMFORTABLE. Wowzer. So, they emigrated to NYC, where they would Fit. Right. In. Dude."

I STRONGLY suggest you go RTWT

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