Friday, August 10, 2012

President Romney's first Executive Order.

I've been thinking about this for awhile now.  Help draft President Romney's FIRST Executive Order so he can sign it on January 20th 2013 without it having been buried under boilerplate and exemptions for the guilty.

So chime in and if you have a blog re-blog this.  Lets get it out and start getting the Libs worried.

Effective as of the publication of this order in the Federal Register;

Section I:

The Affordable Care Act and all of it's provisions are suspended pending action of Congress.

Any funds collected and not yet disbursed will be returned to the general budget. 

Any individuals in any Federal Agency hired for the enaction or enforcement of this act will be laid off with the full suspension of any and all benefits without any further compensation.

Any personal information of private citizens gathered under this act will be destroyed without fail, without archiving.

Section II:

Any and all documents from any Federal Agency with any relation to Operation Gun Runner also known as Operation Fast and Furious, will be turned over to Congress for investigation and possible prosecution.

Any Federal Employee with any ties to the above named Operations will be removed from any supervisory capacity, until the investigation is complete.

Any former Federal Employee with any connection with the above Operations will taken into Protective Custody of the Untied States Marshal Service, until such time as the investigation is complete or an appropriate bond is presented..

If prosecution is recommended after full investigation any person to be prosecuted will be held in protective custody until such time as an adequate Bond be presented for their release.

Any and all Investigation information will be turned over to the Attorney's of the families of persons killed or injured by the weapons involved in this Investigation.

No persons are exempt from Protective Custody or Prosecution regardless of rank or former rank.

Section III:

Any Federal Employee with unpaid taxes has 90 days from this date to pay any and all taxes with penalties or will be summarily dismissed from Federal Service and Prosecuted for Income Tax Evasion.  After all Taxes are paid, any persons who were in any supervisory capacity will be demoted and ineligible for promotion for 6 years. 

Any Federal Employee who resigns before paying taxes owed are to be immediately taken into custody until such time as a court can make a determination as to whether or not they are a flight risk and an appropriate bond being presented.

Section IV:

A full and complete Audit of the Federal Reserve and all of it's employees and directors.

Section V:

A full and complete Audit of all Federal Agencies, specifically to include the GSA, GAO, CBO, BATFE, FBI, IRS, DOJ, DEA, USBP, DHS, ICE, DOE, DOD and others.

Any duplication of resources by any Department to be eliminated, either through combining or elimination of said duplications.

Section VI:

A full complete Judicial Review of all Executive Orders, as to their Constitutional Authority.  Any Order found to be Unconstitutional is to be stricken from the Federal Register.

Section VII:

All Government Spending levels are to be reduced to 2004 levels until their increases are justified by Audit.

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