Monday, August 6, 2012

Signs your being watched

by the Feds.

#1: You are constantly having to re-enter your password in your mail account.

#2: Your home phone constantly has static issues which the phone company cannot find a cause for.

#3: Your text messages sometimes take 3 hours or more to go through the network to the intended recipient.

#4 You constantly have to do a hard reset of your cell phone, by removing the battery with the phone on.

#5: You constantly have to restart your web browser because it slows down so the point you can't browse anything.

#6: Your DSL speed constantly slows down, requiring you to reboot your DSL modem and your router.

#7: Your 24 hour account information from your bank isn't available 24 hours a day.

#8 The Sheriffs Deputy you shoot with, is constantly asking you if you are doing something illegal? And won't explain why he is asking you that.

#9: The increase in encrypted radio transmissions in your neighborhood you hear while listening to your scanner.

#10: One of the teachers from your kid's school asks why the "Government" is asking about you and your kids at the school.

#11: Several ex-coworkers get ahold of you to ask why the cops are asking questions about you, 3 states away.

#12: You find strange software on your computer that you didn't install and all of your anti-virus and anti-malware scans say are clean.

#13: Your security cameras are showing strange vehicles going up and down your street, some of them actually coming on your property really late at night/early in the morning. The vehicles have tinted windows and a plethora of antennas and other weird devices on them.

#14: Old friends suddenly want to continue friendship with you, even though you haven't spoken to them in several years sometimes dozens of years.

#15: You go to purchase a firearm and the NICS check takes more than 15 minutes, and the person on the other end asks for the serial number of the firearm.

#16: Your credit card isn't authorized without an actual phone call to the credit card company.

#17: there are a lot more utility service and delivery trucks in your area.

#18: The same 3 cars are following you, everywhere.

#19: Your credit card only has problems making purchases in the gun store and sporting goods store.

#20: You see alot more guys with short hair and sunglasses wearing suit and tie in 100 degree plus heat when you are in the grocery store.

And remember, even paranoids have enemies.

1 comment:

  1. Good article because we are being watched!


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