Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Technology, Prosperity and Governement

AM had a comment over at his blog and he felt a proper answer to it should be answered in a separate post.

And it is a very informative one.

"Dedicated Dad left this comment. I found my reply to this section simply so long that it deserved a post about it.

Our system of Government - the first TRULY limited government in history - brought on the greatest explosion in technology and prosperity that the world has ever seen!

Having a passing interest in history, I think that I should tell a story, specifically the story of the industrial revolution. There has been a lot of talk about "Pax Americana" and the prosperity brought on by free market principles. This is true, however if you look at the prosperity of Hong Kong from 1950 to 1997 you'll find that they shot up faster than we ever did, and so the observational evidence starts to chip away at the idea that our government has much to do with prosperity and technology."

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