Friday, September 14, 2012

Another from Peter about the Embassy attacks

"The attacks on US embassies in Libya (where the Ambassador and several other staff members were killed), Egypt and Yemen have several elements that have not been discussed in any mainstream media report that I've seen so far.  I'd like to highlight them. 

1.  These attacks were not random events.

These were clearly well-planned, co-ordinated attacks across national boundaries.  They happened on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11;  they happened within hours of each other;  they were encouraged and co-ordinated by a Web site run by a Saudi fundamentalist who published blatant lies about a movie being made in the USA, thereby whipping up popular emotion;  and demonstrators in Egypt chanted the names of 'Obama' and 'Osama', bragging that there were a billion Osamas-in-waiting (supported by the appearance of Al Qaeda flags, which is a clear indication of who's behind them)."

Peter goes further into detail and I believe he points out exactly where to pin the blame.Click the above link to go Read The Whole Thing

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