Sunday, September 23, 2012

Buy a freezer and stock up on meat

"Farmers who cannot afford feed ‘liquidating’ pig and cattle herds will drive food inflation to record high, says Rabobank report

The mass slaughter of millions of farm animals across the world is expected to push food prices to their highest ever levels.

As well as hitting consumers’ pockets, the predicted 14% jump in food prices will also dash the Bank of England’s hopes of pushing inflation down to 2% by next year.

Farmers across the world have begun a mass slaughter of their pig and cattle herds because they cannot afford the cost of feed, which has soared following the worst US drought in living memory, according to a report published on Wednesday."

With the drought and high temperatures we have experienced this year farmers are about to lose their shirts.  Farmers can't grow enough grains to feed the ranchers livestock.  Not enough hay has been harvested to last the winter.  Ranchers will cull their herd to blood stock only, and slaughter the rest.  Meat prices will dip slightly then it will sky rocket.  Be prepared for all other grocery items flour, sugar, peanut butter, even potato chips to start going through the roof as well.  Higher fuel costs plus less supply means the prices for everything will rise.  So get what you can now, before the supply becomes limited and the prices go out of your reach.

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