Friday, September 14, 2012

Democrats still talking about a movie

to divert attention from the truth of the matter.

Kevin DuJan over at Hillbuzz has some information and has made some extremely important points you should factor into your thinking about this issue.

"Meanwhile, the White House is ignoring the fact that a gay ambassador to a Muslim country was murdered and they are in fact still pretending that all of this is about some obscure movie about Muhammad and has nothing at all to do with Barack Obama repeatedly and vociferously spiking the football over killing Osama bin Laden (which took place all throughout the Democrats’ convention last week)." 

 Click the above link.  Obama's Administration has screwed up by the numbers and is doing anything it can to deflect the blame for their actions and inactions.  By blaming a movie for creating the issue they deny that they didn't follow standard protocols as it pertains to intelligence about the attack.  They didn't follow protocol about the security of embassies and consulates.  They didn't do their job.  Period Dot, End of story.

The Obama Administration failed to do the job they are required by law to do.

End Of Story.

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