Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Environmental Activism Hypocrisy in action

"Greenpeace and its allies have successfully blocked the introduction of golden rice for over a decade, claiming it may have “environmental and health risks” without ever elaborating on what those risks might be. After years of effort the Golden Rice Humanitarian Project, led by Dr. Potrykus, The Rockefeller Foundation and others were unable to break through the political opposition to golden rice that was generated directly by Greenpeace and its followers."

While Greenpeace and other environmental groups play political games, children are going blind, and then dying within a year to two years of going blind.  Greenpeace and their allies say there are alternatives to Golden Rice, but don't actually help bring those alternatives about.  Sort of like blocking your neighbor from planting apple trees saying there are other way to get apples, and not helping him to get those other apple, but still blocking him from growing them himself.  Simple hypocrisy and political gamesmanship for the "Feel Good" crowd.  They want to feel good about themselves, like they are "Doing"something to help the environment.  And yet they are simply getting in the way of progress and actual good work.

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