Wednesday, September 12, 2012

For the People who believe the Government is looking out for you

I direct you to the following story.

"LIVERPOOL (Reuters) - British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Wednesday he was "profoundly sorry" for failures and cover-ups in the wake of the 1989 Hillsborough soccer disaster in which 96 spectators died after a crowd crush in the stadium.

Attempts by the police to defect the blame for Britain's worst sporting disaster onto Liverpool fans to cover up their own flawed response and the dangers of an outdated stadium amounted to a "double injustice", he said."

Those in authority screwed up, so rather than accepting their responsibility, they used lies to shift the blame on their citizens, instead of accepting the blame for their own inaction and misdeeds.

And some of you still trust the government to have your best interests in mind?

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